Slavery is BLM’s #1 Argument: Why it’s annoying and not a good excuse for black crime

Slavery is BLM’s #1 Argument: Why it’s annoying and not a good excuse for black crime

Slavery is is the most common argument I get from my haters and it’s also BLM’s #1 argument for justifying their insanity. This argument is emotional and devoid of any logic as BLM uses any excuse from the past to blame whites. This is a black supremacist’s favorite go-to excuse for justifying black crime and their insanity. They use slavery as a guilt trip to make white woman kneel and apologize for something they did not do. This is nothing more than a guilt trip to satisfiy their own egos and nothing more.

The rebuttal is an easy one as this is a logical fallacy. I don’t own any slaves and you never picked any cotton. All you have to say to them is “When is the last time you’ve picked cotton?”

The reason why this is an invalid argument is because it just a distraction from a much bigger issue, the issue being black crime. Slavery does not explain why 13% of the population commits 40% of the crime in this country.

BLM often uses slavery to explain black on white crime but what excuse do they have about black on Asian crime? What about black on Hispanic crime?

The Corona China Argument

BLM uses slavery on whites as they use China on Asian citizens. This argument itself is racist and proves that black supremacists are extremely racist to the core. Black on Asian crime is justified because the corona virus came from China. So somehow the Asians living in the USA are responsible for a country half way around the world that they are not a part of.

Also note how all Asians are being grouped together as a single unit. To BLM China includes Koreans, Vietnamese, Thai, Japense etc. If a black crime is committed on a Korean citizen BLM will say they did it because of China. Think about how little sense that makes. If we reverse the roles, it would sound like this: let’s commit a crime on a Jamaican because of what Africa is doing to whites living in Africa.

A second related argument is how black people are being treated poorly in China. There is no need to go over the details as that is a different country. For that same reason, this argument is invalid and racist. BLM claims they are fighting against racism but in fact they are the ones who are the most racist. That is black hyprocrisy in a nutshell.

Hatred for whites is normalized by BLM but there is absolultely no justification for crimes against Asians and other minorities. They owned any slaves and Asian on black crime is unheard of.

Using BLM logic, police brutality is justified because whites in south africa are being treated poorly.

Are Poor White South Africans Being Left Behind?

A Black Man Invented Slavery?

This is something most people don’t know and BLM use all of their soul to deny it. The idea that a black man was the first slave owner seems so taboo that it’s impossible. A lot of BLM websites will say this claim is false in order to continue to use their slavery argument to instill white guilt into your consciousness. The existence of Anthony Johnson doesn’t fit their anti-white narrative, not to mention most people don’t know about this, so this is never mentioned. But thanks to the internet and social media, these bits of history are being circulated more and more.

BLM will most likely deny this fact, and even if they don’t, they will continue to argue because arguing to them is like food and oxygen for us. They will say even if a black man invented slavery, so what? That doesn’t excuse white me from owning slaves.

Here’s another bit of history being circulated: 78% of slave owners were ethnic Jews while only 0.35% of white Americans owned slaves.

Just like the first factoid, BLM and Jews will deny this with all their might. This proves that their hatred for whites because of slavery is a misplaced blame. They are blaming the entire white population for what 0.35% of the population did. Since most slave owners were Jews, shouldn’t they be the ones to receive the blame? They are the ones you need reparations from, not the white population.

The slavery argument is a poor one to begin with. People should not be held accountable for what their ancestors did. Last time I checked we lived in a democracy, not a dictatorship. In North Korea, if a man commits a crime, he will be punished along with his entire family. This includes his children and future grandchildren that doesn’t exist yet. Can you imagine having to pay for a crime that your grandfather did even if you’ve never met him? But that is North Korea and no one is happy there. Everybody wants to leave and no one wants to visit.

If BLM wants to enforce such stupid ancestry related policies then they should move to North Korea where they can live a better life.

The slavery argument is completely misguided, as it is just a tool to instill white guilt and anti-white sentiment in the community. Not only are they blaming the wrong group of people, but it is being used an excuse to commit black on white crime.



Black Crimes Matter

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