Peaceful Protesting in front of racist white man’s house

Peaceful Protesting in front of racist white man’s house

Peaceful Protesting in front of racist white man’s house

These peaceful protesters need to re-educate this white man on why having a house in this neighborhood is an act of racism. It is justified if protesters live in a white man’s hood, but if a white man lives in a jogger’s hood, it is white supremacy and therefore racist. Keep watching the video and you’ll learn the white man works for Amazon, a company known for its history of racism.

Amazon is known to have plantations where slaves work all day and night. How else do you think you can order so much stuff from Amazon? In fact, Amazon’s website has a white background, which is the universal symbol for white supremacy. Protesters need to loot Amazon stores because of systemic oppression. If you work for Amazon or have ordered anything from Amazon, you are a racist and need a re-education.

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